Poster Session 1
Investigating the causality between female labor force participation and fertility, Turkey 1968-2006 Ayse Abbasoglu Ozgoren, Hacettepe University ; Ahmet Sinan Turkyilmaz, Hacettepe University
The use of time during the daily life of dual-earner couples: productive time and reproductive time in the countries of the south of Europe from a gender perspective Marc Ajenjo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Joan Garcia Roman, Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics (CED)
Integration basis of development of a society Khiloyat H. Akhmedova, The Institute for Social Researches under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan ; Aziza Abdurakhmanova
An expert knowledge based framework for probabilistic national population forecasts: the example of Egypt Huda Alkitkat, Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support Centre (IDSC)
Correlates of HIV testing among youth in Guyana Beverly E. Andrews, University of Southampton
To have another child in France and Russia Maria Avdeeva, Moscow State University
The pattern of divorce in Iranian society Taghi Azadarmaki, University of Tehran ; Mohammad Reza Alipour, University Of Tehran
Family and social networks in Poland Dorota Bartosińska, Warsaw School of Economics
Day-care attendance and child development: in how far does quality matter? Robert R. Bauchmuller, Universiteit Maastricht ; Mette Gørtz, AKF, Danish Institute of Governmental Research ; Astrid Würtz Rasmussen, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University
Partner's characteristics and childbearing after a separation, contrast between men and women Eva Beaujouan, University of Southampton
The future of motherhood in Western societies: late fertility and consequences Gijs Beets, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
Costs and benefits of parenthood in Sweden: quantitative and qualitative evidence Disa Bergnehr, The Department of Child Studies, Linköping University ; Eva Bernhardt, Stockholm University
The recuperation of fertility at older ages in Britain: evidence from the 1958 British birth cohort Ann M. Berrington, University of Southampton ; Serena Pattaro, University of Southampton
(Withdrawn) Impacts of demographic changes on air quality in Turkey Sebnem Bese Canpolat, TurkStat Turkish Statistical Institute
Fertility among Austrian female scientists Isabella Buber-Ennser, Vienna Institute of Demography
Respect at borders, respect of borders: the Italian experience Raimondo Cagiano de Azevedo, Università di Roma "La Sapienza" ; Elena Ambrosetti, Università di Roma
Subregional fertility differentials in western European countries Alessandra Carioli, University of Groningen
A pilot study of parents’ smoking behaviors and associated factors with their smoking in the presence of children Ping-Ling Chen, Taipei Medical University ; Yu-Ting Chen, Taipei Medical University
Demographic borders versus territorial borders. A study of the spatial configuration of fertility and internal migrations in Belgium Rafael Costa, Université catholique de Louvain ; Luc Dal, Université Catholique de Louvain ; Jean-Pierre Hermia, Université catholique de Louvain ; Michel Poulain, Université Catholique de Louvain
(Withdrawn) Analysis of higher education student population using multistate life tables Zane Cunska, University of Latvia
Proximate determinants and their influences on fertility reduction in Vietnam Kailash Chandra Das, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Kumudini Das, Pillai's College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Navi Mumbai ; Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, Vietnam General Statistics
The height production function from birth to early adulthood Elisabetta De Cao, Tor Vergata University and Bocconi University
Changes in elderly care in Navarra, 20th century Begoña Elizalde-San Miguel, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ; Jesús J. Sánchez-Barricarte, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
(Withdrawn) Fertility in Italy and Spain: the role played by foreigners Raffaele Ferrara, University of Naples Federico II ; Piero Giorgi, Università di Teramo ; Marija Mamolo, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Salvatore Strozza, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Leaving the parental home in Italy: are behaviours consistent with young adults’ intentions? Giulia Ferrari, Università di Roma "La Sapienza" ; Alessandro Rosina, Università Cattolica, Milan
Identifying causes of separation in a longitudinal perspective Erzsebet Foldhazi, Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) ; Zsolt Spéder, Demografic Research Institute Budapest
(Withdrawn) Fertility decision-making in the states of crisis and societal instability Yuri Frantsuz, University of Minnesota
Fertility intentions in Poland in the context of: preference theory, gender equality and social networks. (Results based on the qualitative survey supported by the quantitative ones) Ewa Fratczak, Warsaw School of Economics ; Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska, Warsaw School of Economics
Cohort fertility in Poland – birth cohorts 1911-1986 Ewa Fratczak, Warsaw School of Economics ; Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska, Warsaw School of Economics ; Marek Peczkowski, University of Warsaw
Examination of future cohort fertility in Japan Setsuya Fukuda, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Low natality and trends of demographic development in Moldova for the first half of the XXI century Olga Gagauz, Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Growing up in motion: migration and transition to adulthood among female immigrants in Spain Natalia Genta, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales-Sede Ecuador ; Victoria Prieto Rosas, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Fertile debates: a comparative account of low fertility in the Greek and British national press Katerina Georgiadis, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Social customs and demographic change: the case of godparenthood in Catholic Europe Vincent Gourdon, CNRS, Paris ; Guido Alfani, Università Bocconi ; Agnese Vitali, Università Bocconi
Analysis of job changes in Poland using the Bayesian method Wioletta Grzenda, Warsaw School of Economics
Formation and disruption of couples in Italy: main characteristics and new trends Giancarlo Gualtieri, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT) ; Antonella Guarneri, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT) ; Claudia Iaccarino, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT) ; Sabrina Prati, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)
Children's health inequalities and genetic diseases Hinde Hami, Université Ibn Tofail ; Abdelmajid Soulaymani, Université Ibn Tofail ; Abdelrhani Mokhtari, Université Ibn Tofail
Premarital conceptions in Romania and the subsequent behaviour: extramarital births or shotgun marriages Mihaela Hărăguş, Babes-Bolyai University
Demographic processes and economic crises: the Bulgarian case Kaloyan Haralampiev, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Changing socio-demographic and regional patterns of living arrangements in Italy Frank Heins, IRPPS.CNR, Rome
Transmission of precariousness in Belgium: intergenerational analyses (1991-2001) Jean-Pierre Hermia, Université catholique de Louvain ; Thierry Eggerickx, Université Catholique de Louvain
Development and determinants of higher-order fertility in Germany and France Anne Hornung, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
The future fertility and demographic pressure of Bangladesh Abu H. M. K. Hossain, University of Dhaka
Women’s human capital and fertility convergence in Asian countries Hatam Hosseini, Bu Ali Sina University
Study on infant death caused by conditions originating in the perinatal period in Taiwan Wei-Gang Huang, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan ; Li-Chuan Chen, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan ; Su-Ru Wu, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan
Iran's population dilemma: youthness or aging Morteza Jafari, Payame Noor University ; Reza Esmailzadeh, Payame Noor University ; Ali Morovatpor
Typology of households in Burkina Faso: what are the trends since 1998 Alphonse Kaboré ; Mahamoudou Kaboré, Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie (INSD)
Family and divorce in Burkina Faso Mahamoudou Kaboré, Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie (INSD)
The importance of income for fertility intentions and subsequent behaviour amongst childless Norwegian men Rannveig Kaldager, Statistics Norway
Making the unknown known: sub-regional and provincial population projections for Turkey Mehmet Dogu Karakaya, Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) ; Ahmet Sinan Turkyilmaz, Hacettepe University
Mate selection characteristics and fertility Kairi Kasearu, University of Tartu ; Mare Ainsaar, University of Tartu
Socio-demographics of the elderly population in Bangladesh: evidence from a developing country Mehedi Hasan Khan, Department of Population Sciences, University of Dhaka
State territories and hot and cold spots of non-marital fertility in Europe 1900-2007: a spatial analysis Sebastian Kluesener, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Brienna Perelli-Harris, University of Southampton ; Nora Sánchez Gassen, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Christin Loeffler, University of Rostock
Attitudes about childlessness: cross national comparisons and methodological observations Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox, University of Florida ; Zeynep Copur, Hacettepe University ; Alin M. Ceobanu, University of Florida
Spatial inequalities in health of ethnic German immigrants in the Federal Republic of Germany: a comparative analysis of contextual effects on regional morbidity differences Daniel Kreft, Rostock Center for the Study of Demographic Change ; Gabriele Doblhammer-Reiter, University of Rostock
Order-specific fertility behavior in Germany: estimates from perinatal statistics for the period 2001-2008 Michaela Kreyenfeld, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Rembrandt D. Scholz, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Frederik Peters, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Ines I. Wlosnewski, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Secular values and unmarried parenthood – the cohorts 1971-83 in East and West Germany Michaela Kreyenfeld, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Dirk Konietzka, TU Braunschweig ; Rainer Walke, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Public health ethics for donor and aid agencies Anant Kumar, Xavier Institute of Social Service
Similarities and dissimilarities of recent demographic changes in Europe. Do European countries converge towards a common demographic pattern? Jolanta Kurkiewicz, Cracow University of Economics ; Ewa Soja, Cracow University of Economics ; Oskar Knapik, Cracow University of Economics
Second-generation Turkish and Moroccan men and women in Flanders (Belgium). Does partner choice influence the start of family formation? Edith Lodewijckx, Research Centre of the Flemish Government
Foreign born persons on the Swedish labour market Karin Elisabet Lundström, Statistics Sweden
Having children or not? Women’s and men’s attitudes towards having children, the case of Sweden Karin Linnea Lundström, Statistics Sweden
Social policy and childbearing behavior in Japan since the 1960s: an individual level perspective Li Ma, Stockholm University
Does educational level modify the effect of involuntary job loss on well-being? Jornt Mandemakers, Tilburg University ; Christiaan W. S. Monden, University of Oxford
The change and implication of population momentum in China: national and provincial evidence Zhuoyan Mao, National Research Institute for Family Planning of China
Below replacement fertility in Iran and some of its correlates: a factorial analysis of district level variations revealed by 2006 census Amir-Houshang Mehryar, Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran ; Tavakkol Aghayari Hir, University of Tabriz ; Aliyar Ahmadi, Shiraz University ; Shirin Ahmad-Nia, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran ; Nahid Salehi
Fertility of national and foreign citizens, in Portugal, 1995-2008 – a comparative study Maria Mendes, University of Evora ; Maria Magalhaes, University of Évora ; Joana Malta, Statistics Portugal
Demodystopias in German scientific and mass-medial discourses of the beginning 21st century Reinhard Messerschmidt, University of Cologne
Continuous postponement, or rejection of parenthood? Multivariate analysis of childless young adults in Finland Anneli Miettinen, The Population Research Institute, Helsinki ; Anna Rotkirch, Population Research Institute, Väestöliitto
Projections of the population and the pension system in Republic of Macedonia Goran Miladinov, University of Štip
Retirement patterns from the labour market in Spain: socio-economic conditions and policies behind the trends Pau Miret Gamundi, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Madelín Gómez León, Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics (CED)
Singlehood in Spain in the 21st century: gender models and new immigration patterns Pau Miret Gamundi, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Demography and life course risks of women and men who do not know their fathers Ulrich O. Mueller, University of Marburg ; Katharina Paulus, University of Marburg
Impact of household structure on child vaccination in India Sumoni Mukherjee, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
The impact of social embedment on the possibility to make ends meet for older people in Germany Robert Naderi, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany ; Frank Micheel, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany
Child intentions – the starting point in demographic behaviour? Norbert S. Neuwirth, Austrian Institute for Family Studies ; Andreas Baierl, Austrian Institute for Family Studies ; Georg Wernhart, Austrian Institute for Family Studies
Fertility timing and "opting out”: a cohort comparison of women with advanced and college degrees for birth cohorts 1931-1975 Natalie Nitsche, Yale University ; Hannah Brueckner, Yale University
Social capital and the living conditions of older persons in rural Nigeria Fatai Ogundele, Lagos State University ; Emmanuel Ajiboye, Lagos State University
Fertility and female employment in Europe Isabel Oliveira, ISCTE-IUL ; Maria Cristina S. Gomes, SACSJP - Universidade de Aveiro ; Maria Luís R. Pinto, SACSJP - Universidade de Aveiro ; Miguel Cabrita, ISCTE-IUL
Career women and marital stability in some selected banks in Ado Ekiti, South West Nigeria Olufayo Olu Olu ; Omotosho Babatunde, University of Ado-Ekiti
Comparative study of fertility transition and population ageing in four selected countries in the MENA region Soleiman Pakseresht, Bu Ali Sina University ; Hatam Hosseini, Bu Ali Sina University
The probability of divorce and the marriage age: Slovakian experience Karol Pastor, Comenius University Bratislava
Parametric graduation of male fertility rates Paraskevi Peristera, Athens University of Economics and Business ; Anastasia Kostaki, Athens University of Economics and Business
Family policy in the situation of low fertility - situation of Poland and the experience of other countries Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska, Warsaw School of Economics ; Ewa Fratczak, Warsaw School of Economics
Demographic development of cities in Poland - urbanisation as a result of post-war industrialisation Andrzej D. Raczaszek, University of Economics, Katowice, Poland
Changing age-specific fertility in England and Wales: understanding the fertility of recent migrants James Robards, University of Southampton
Labour force participation of the old-aged: between the family support and the support to the family Patricia Román Reyes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ; Mauricio Padrón Innamorato, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ; Juan Gabino González Becerril, El Colegio de México
(Withdrawn) Gender egalitarian attitudes among Iranian women and its socio-cultural determinants Rasoul Sadeghi, University of Tehran ; Aliyar Ahmadi, Shiraz University ; Abbas Askari-Nodoushan, University of Yazd, Iran
Ageing, life expectancy at older ages and life potential (the case of Russia and Ukraine) Gaiane Safarova, Russian Academy of Sciences ; Sergei Pirozhkov, The National Institute of International Security Problems ; Alexander Lisenenkov, Russian Academy of Sciences
Family size preferences and the decision making process in Orissa, India Harihar Sahoo, Jawaharlal Nehru University
The future voters of Germany: estimating the impact of demographic trends and policy changes on the development of the electorate Nora Sánchez Gassen, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
International migration and environmental pressures; is there any connection? Jesús J. Sánchez-Barricarte, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ; Begoña Elizalde-San Miguel, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
The changing transition to adulthood in Japan: delay, diversification and increasing atypical cases Ryuzaburo Sato, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research ; Motomi Beppu, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
The impact of kin on female fertility: a systematic review Rebecca Sear, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) ; Paul Mathews, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Decomposition analyses of recent decline in fertility of India and its major states Ravendra K. Sharma, Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals (ICMR) ; Manju Rani, Government Degree College, Chhaprauli ; Arvind Pandey, Institute for Research in Medical Statistics (ICMR), India
Fertility differential among socio-economic group: a comparative study of some selected states in India Ravindra P Singh, KKPG College, Etawah ; Vipin Chandra Gupta, KKPG College, Etawah
Interconnections between mothers' working patterns after childbirth and fertility intentions. A comparison between France, Hungary and Italy Zsuzsanna Stefan-Makay, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) ; Arianna Caporali, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Political economy of family life: welfare regimes, economic resources and divorce Haya Stier, Tel Aviv University ; Amit Kaplan, Tel Aviv University
The changing dynamics of leaving and returning home among young adults in Britain Juliet A. Stone, University of Southampton ; Ann M. Berrington, University of Southampton ; Jane C. Falkingham, University of Southampton
Weakening marital ties in Poland Marta Styrc, Warsaw School of Economics
The tendencies of fertility in Georgia in the post Communist period Avtandil Sulaberidze, Institute of Demography and Sociology, Georgia ; Nino Gomelauri, Institute of Demography and Sociology, Georgia ; Vano Shushtakashvili, Institute of Demography and Sociology, Georgia ; Mariam Sulaberidze ; Marina Tushuri, Institute of Demography and Sociology, Georgia
The effect of labour market uncertainties on first union formation in Hungary Ivett Szalma, Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ; Péter Róbert, TARKI Social Research Institute
Comparative analysis of the infuence of fertility and mortality changes on population ageing in chosen European countries Marta Szklarska, Cracow University of Economics ; Paweł Najman, Cracow University of Economics
Active ageing index and elderly abuse in Rajshahi District of Bangladesh Md. Ismail Tareque, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh and Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan ; Ahmed Mohammad Munsur, Nihon Medical School, Japan ; Kazuo Kawahara, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Yearning, learning and conceding: (some of) the reasons people change their childbearing intentions Lara Tavares, Università Bocconi ; Maria Iacovou, University of Essex
Psychoactive substance consumption among youths: an assessment of its socio-political challenges in urban Nigeria Adefolaju Toyin, University of Ado-Ekiti ; Omotosho Babatunde, University of Ado-Ekiti
Increasing level of education and falling labour force participation of women in the context of Kerala, India Jameela Vadakarasseril Anandan, University of Kerala ; Anjali Anchayil, National Law School of India University
Ageing in Republic of Moldova 20 years ago. Socio-economical and demographical implications Sainsus Valeriu, Academy of Economic Studies Republic of Moldova
Discerning the effects of employment and education on the fertility decisions of Greek women born in the period 1950-59: an analysis based on census individual-level data Georgia Verropoulou, University of Piraeus ; Christos Bagavos, Panteion University, Greece
Elderly and achieved fertility: assessing the impact of old age security expectation on elderly achieved fertility in Nigeria Elias O. Wahab, Lagos State University ; Uche Isiugo-Abanihe, University of Ibadan
Changing patterns of intergenerational support at old age and HIV/AIDs incidence in Nigeria Elias O. Wahab, Lagos State University
How well does fertility intention predict fertility behavior? A case study of China Feng Wang, University of California, Irvine ; Yong Cai, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Zhenzhen Zheng, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ; Baochang Gu, Renmin University of China
(Withdrawn) The multilevel analysis on the determinants of fertility desire in China Jing Xu, Renmin University of China
Prospects of Islamic laws on abortion; is there any place of legitimization? Younes Yazdan Parast, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad
Why have people in eastern Turkey maintained their high fertility behaviour? Examining the channels of social interaction Mustafa Murat Yüceşahin, Ankara University
The impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on kinship resources for the orphans of Zimbabwe Emilio Zagheni, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Migration experience and fertility in postwar generations: Russian case Sergei V. Zakharov, State University Higher School of Economics ; Sergei V. Surkov, Independent Institute for Social Policy, Moscow
The Human Fertility Database: new resource for demography Kryštof Zeman, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Tomas Sobotka, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Aiva Jasilioniene, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Vladimir Shkolnikov, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Dmitri A. Jdanov, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Evgueni Andreev, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Joshua R. Goldstein, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Living arrangements of elderly adults: determinants of residential dependency Pilar Zueras, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Marc Ajenjo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Socio-demographic regularities of ageing in the Baltic states Peteris Zvidrins, University of Latvia