Session 77:
Brain drain and return migration
Chair: Attila Melegh, Demographic Research Institute, Budapest
Brain drain of scientists from Slovenia after its accession to the European Union Milena Bevc, Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana ; Marko Ogorevc, Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana
Return migration to Dakar : do policies meet migrant’s needs? Marie-Laurence Flahaux, Université catholique de Louvain ; Lama Kabbanji, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Structuring the life course: biographies of highly skilled Indian migrants in the Netherlands Anu Kõu, University of Groningen ; Ajay Bailey, University of Groningen ; Leo van Wissen, University of Groningen
Analysis assistance programs for the return of Latin American migrants in Spain in crisis Diego López de Lera, Universidad de la Coruña ; Katia Lurbe i Puerto
On the finality of emigration decisions: Germany’s experience of return migration of its citizens Lenore Sauer, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany ; Rainer Unger, Universitat Bremen ; Andreas Ette, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany
Other sessions on International migration and migrant populations