Session 102:
Policy implication of population ageing
Chair: Emily Grundy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Implications of intergenerational support to ageing relatives: how does elder care affect workplace behaviour of employed informal caregivers? Ulrike Schneider, WU - Vienna University of Economics & Business ; Birgit Trukeschitz, WU - Vienna University of Economics & Business ; Richard Mühlmann, WU - Vienna University of Economics & Business ; Ivo Ponocny, MODUL University Vienna
Demographic change and the acceptance of intergenerational-transfer policies. A comparison of 13 European countries Harald Wilkoszewski, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Elena Muth, Rostock Center for the Study of Demographic Change
Living arrangements of elderly population in Turkey: findings of household projection Sebnem Bese Canpolat, TurkStat Turkish Statistical Institute
Other sessions on Ageing and intergenerational relationships