Thursday, September 2 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM   •   Room HS7

Session 14:
Population, environment, and policy

Chair: Brian C. O'Neill, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

  1. A fresh perspective on the population-environment-development tiesMartha M. Campbell, University of California, Berkeley ; Jade S. Sasser, University of California, Berkeley

  2. How are population patterns different in ecological priority areas? Mapping demography onto conservation areasDavid L. Carr, University of California, Santa Barbara ; Matthew Erdman, WWF US ; Alex Zvoleff, San Diego State University ; Laurel K Suter, University of California, Santa Barbara

  3. Demographic component in the development of new IPCC Assessment ReportLeiwen Jiang, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

  4. Consumption-driven environmental impact and age-structure change in OECD countries: a co-integration STIRPAT analysisBrant Liddle, Victoria University, Melbourne

Other sessions on Development and environment