(Withdrawn) Impacts of demographic changes on air quality in Turkey
Sebnem Bese Canpolat, TurkStat Turkish Statistical Institute
Demographers are often interested in the environmental impacts of population growth. In this study, it is planned to examine the impact of change in population and households structures particularly on air quality in Turkey. Change in average concentrations of sulphur dioxide (SO2), average concentrations of particulate matter and CO emission values will be evaluated from a demographic perspective in 1990-2007 period in Turkey. One of the aims of this study is to find answer how "population" factors (such as growth, density, movement, age/income, or per-capita resource use) relates to air quality. Another purpose of the study is to implement carbon footprints provinces of Turkey. Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) air quality, demographic and migration statistics by provinces will be used as data sources of the study. Carbon and air quality maps will be created and the relationship between population and air quality will be explained by a statistical model.
Presented in Poster Session 1