“Gender transition” and demographic development: some issues of population policy
Irina E. Kalabikhina, Moscow State University
The research issue to be addressed to building a concept of “gender transition” in demographic development. One of the main idea is that gender factor complex influences demographic development (dynamics of fertility, sex difference in mortality, qualitative changes in migration flows). This study is connected with description of stages of “gender transition” and classification of some countries by these stages. The purposes of the study is to estimate dynamics of indicators of “gender transition” and to formulate the perspective approach to population policy. Theoretical framework: “second demographic transition” (van de Kaa, 1987), “feminist paradox” (Chesnais, 1996, 1998); “gender equity in fertility transition” (McDonald, 2000). Data: UN Statistic Databases (UNECE Statistical Division Database, LABORSTA ILO EAPEP version 5, etc.); «Devision» Database. According to a concept of “gender transition” we conclude that policy of gender equality in the framework of population policy is key way to more effective population policy (particularly for low-fertility countries in the terms of growth of fertility up to about reproductive level, of reduce of male overmortality, of balance of migration flows).
See paper
Presented in Session 103: Gender in the European policy context