(Withdrawn) Patterns of fertility intentions and gender relations. A within-group comparison of Turkish migrants living in Germany
Nadja Milewski, University of Rostock
Dorothea Rieck, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
The goal of our study is to examine within-group differences in the Turkish immigrant population living in Germany. Germany ranks first as destination country for emigrants from Turkey, and persons of Turkish background form the largest minority group in Germany. We investigate fertility intentions of women and men of Turkish background and pay special attention to gender relations, education, and employment in shaping fertility intentions. We compare first-generation immigrants and their descendants. Attention to gender roles is important within the context of family policies and women’s policies. Immigrant sub-groups within a population may be different from the majority population or may show more variations. Examples are prominent in family structure, social inequality, family relations, and division of labor between women and men. Since welfare states are based on certain assumptions about the relative homogeneity of their populations, it is rewarding and necessary to investigate the effects of policies on sub-groups who differ from the majority population. For our study we use data from the German “Generations and Gender Survey” (GGS) which was conducted in 2005 and 2006. In two different samples 10,000 Germans and 4,000 migrants of Turkish origin who living in Germany have been interviewed. For the investigation of fertility intentions of Turks in Germany we use logistic regression models. The dependent variable is the question whether respondents wish to have a or another child (within the next three years) or not. Results and conclusions will be available in time for the meeting in September.
Presented in Session 47: Family formation of migrant groups