A study of gender role attitudes and behavior among second-generation Turks with a first generation, second generation and native partner
Doreen Huschek, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
Helga A. G. de Valk, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Aart C. Liefbroer, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
The partner choice of migrants and their children receives traditionally a lot of attention. Very often it is assumed that those with overall more traditional attitudes would be more likely to be married to a first-generation co-ethnic partner. Whether these attitudinal differences also translate into different behavior within couples living together remains unanswered. Linking the partner type and the division of tasks in the household can provide more in-depth insights in these different partnership arrangements. In addition, we compare the gender role behavior of second-generation Turks and natives in different European countries. It has been shown that gender role behavior overall differs throughout Europe. How and to what extend the societal context and policies would affect the gender role behavior of second-generation Turks in the same way has not been studied before. Using TIES data (2007-08), we aim at comparing gender role behavior of the Turkish second generation (with a first generation, a second generation, and a native partner) and native young adults across Europe. We include different aspects of gender role behavior (labor force participation, sharing of household tasks, childcare and taking care of finances). The study will take into account individual, family and partner characteristics. First results indicate that among the majority native population couples more often share tasks whereas this is less the case for the Turkish. Being higher educated results in more sharing of tasks for young adults of all origins. Finally, Turkish second-generation women living with a first-generation partner are more involved in taking care of finances than is the case for those with a second-generation partner. This suggests that gender role behavior and division of tasks is not only the result of attitudes but may also be influenced by practical constraints.
Presented in Session 47: Family formation of migrant groups