Cohort fertility in Poland – birth cohorts 1911-1986
Ewa Fratczak, Warsaw School of Economics
Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska, Warsaw School of Economics
Marek Peczkowski, University of Warsaw
Poland belongs to the group of countries with the TFR just to be over the replacement level until to the year 1989, i.e. to the beginning of the political and socio-economic transition. Since 1989 we have been observing systematic decreases of the TFR value. The interesting is the answer for the question concerning the basic characteristics of cohort fertility changes in Poland. Answering to this question our paper presents detailed fertility analyses for the females cohorts 1911-1986. For the analyses a set of descriptive measures were used as well method of life tables (Kaplan-Meier). As the basic source for the analysis data of Fertility and Family Survey 2002 were used. Fertility and Family Survey, which was conducted in Poland together with National Census Questionnaire in 2002, for more then 260 thousands of women family and fertility history, have been reconstructed. All results were weighted to population of women born between 1911-1986 years. Sample covered cohorts with completed fertility and young women below 49 years old. The analysis has pioneer and unique character. Significant differences in fertility are presented due to educational level, place of residence, place of birth and of course according to birth cohorts.
Presented in Poster Session 1