Mental health in post-socialist turmoil: the epidemiology of depression in Uzbekistan
Heather Griffis, Florida State University
Mental health research in post-socialist countries shows an increase in depressive symptoms during the transition period of the 1990s. In Uzbekistan, this period is characterized by unemployment, poor economic indicators, and poor health care; however, the distribution and determinants of depressive symptoms in relation to these factors in Uzbekistan has never been investigated. This paper uses the nationally representative 2002 Uzbekistan Health Examination Survey to assess depressive symptoms. Multivariate logistic regression is used to examine the association of depressive systems with demographic, socioeconomic, and physical health factors. Overall, the prevalence of depressive symptoms (CES-D score > 15) is 13.72% for women and 4.94% for men. Multivariate findings show higher odds of depressive symptoms among Russian males, single women, men living in the east-central region, women living in the central and western regions, men with lower levels of education and men who are not employed. The importance of mental health research in Uzbekistan in the context of social, economic, and political turmoil is discussed.
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Presented in Session 41: Health and mortality in Eastern Europe