Re-examining socio-economic and demographic determinants of high infant mortality in Pakistan - an analysis of PIHS 1998-99
Safeer Ullah, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
This paper is an attempt to examine the relationships between selected individual, household & community level DEMOGRAPHIC & SOCIO-ECONOMIC factors AND the SURVIVAL OF INFANTS under one year age with special reference to a traditional developing society. The research is based on secondary data analysis of Pakistan Integrated Household Survey 1998-99. Analysis found a remarkable influence of MOTEHR LITERACY upon child survival in both urban and rural areas. A significant finding was observed that MATERNAL AGE between 24 and 39 years enhances child survival and that FEMALE babies are safer as compare to MALE infants, as the later have 1.4 times spare chances to be victims of death at their very early age. Furthermore, household SANITATION FACILITY has significant influence while SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER do not appear to significantly influence the survival probability of children under one year age in both URBAN and RURAL areas. The only interaction found significant in this study was infant gender and the residence of family. This indicates that Urban-Females have 0.87 times chances of survival than Rural-Males do have. Keywords: child survival, maternal education, theory, statistical model, developing countries
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Presented in Poster Session 2