Family Reunion and family formation after immigration to the Netherlands
Han Nicolaas, Statistics Netherlands
Kim de Bruin, Statistics Netherlands
In this paper we analyse the process of family reunion and family formation after immigration for the largest non-western and western groups of origin. We analyse two processes of family reunion and family formation: 1. when are immigrants who come to the Netherlands as a single person going to live together and 2. when are immigrants coming to the Netherlands as part of a childless couple (married or unmarried) getting children? Since 1996 more than 1.3 million first generation immigrants have settled in the Netherlands. Not every immigrant stayed for a long period of time. Six years after immigration 35 to 45 per cent had left the Netherlands. One quarter of the immigrants who came to the Netherlands in 1996 as a single person lived together six years later. For immigrants coming to the Netherlands as a single person in 2002 this percentage dropped to a sixth. From those who came to the Netherlands in 1996 or 2002 living in a childless couple one third was living in a couple with children six years later. Considerable differences exist between the groups of origin when looking at living together and getting children.
Presented in Poster Session 2