Career women and marital stability in some selected banks in Ado Ekiti, South West Nigeria
Olufayo Olu Olu
Omotosho Babatunde, University of Ado-Ekiti
Modernisation and survival challenges are prompting women into jobs formerly reserved for men in Africa. This study examined socio-economic characteristics of career women; why they remain in such jobs, challenges faced, implications on their marriage and family and coping mechanisms using some selected banking institutions in Ado Ekiti, southwest Nigeria. The study adopted quantitative and qualitative methods in gathering the data for the study. For the quantitative data, a total of one hundred and fifty questionnaires were distributed among married female bankers across selected banking institutions in Ado Ekiti. As regards the qualitative data, twenty In-depth Interview sessions were conducted to complement the quantitative data. Findings revealed that 72.0% were in banking jobs in order to cater for themselves and their children. About 80.7% claimed they quarrelled with their husbands over the nature of their jobs while 93.3 % claimed their career clashed with their family responsibilities. Further, 95.3 % were not willing to quit their jobs in spite of challenges faced. On coping mechanisms, 46.5% were coping through houselps, 24.3% through religious means and 29.2% was coping through financial benefits from the jobs. Chi-square result showed that significant relationship existed between income, age, place of origin and continued stay in the job (p=001,000 and 004 respectively). Women participation in all aspects of job has come to stay no doubt, the study recommended that employers and policy makers should ensure that the work place is conducive for women in order to protect the women, children and the institution of the family.
Presented in Poster Session 1