Condom use in Cuba. High-risk sexual behaviour and risk perception of HIV/AIDS
Esther María León Díaz, Oficina Nacional de Estadisticas, Cuba
Mildred Iglesias Linares
Mercedes Mena Martínez, Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas, Cuba
Cuba has the lowest rate of prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean with 0.1% among people between 15 to 49 years old in 2009 (more than 10 000 inhabitants) according a research in progress. The epidemic is catalogued of low level, with predominance of sexual transmission, and more frequently among men, and for men who have unprotected sex with other men (MSM). Rates of diagnosed AIDS cases and new cases have been raised in the last years. Health policies face the challenge of stop this trend of the epidemic , and a critical element for HIV prevention in order to avoid new cases is the use of condom, as has been used in many other countries. To accomplish this goal, several investigations are underway taking the condom use as a key topic related to HIV. The aim of this study is in first place look at the tendencies in the condom use; “objective” indicators like sexual high-risk behaviour, “subjective” indicators as risk perception, in more exposed population to HIV/AIDS, and the reasons given for not use protection. Secondly, analyze the association between sexual risk behaviour and co-variables: demographic, socioeconomic, of knowledge of prevention and of transmission forms and perception of risk. Database from the National Survey of Prevention of Infection Indicators HIV/AIDS 2009 will be used. Probabilistic sampling of 28991 individuals aged 12-49 were interviewed in this survey. Multivariate methods will be used.
Presented in Poster Session 2