Circulation and international circular migrants in Hungary
Sandor Illes, Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)
Mary Redei, Eötvös Loránd University
Aron Kincses, Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)
The concept of usual place of residence is one of the basic elements of the notion of internal and international migration according to the definition of United Nations. Migration was a non-recurring event what happens rarely during the individual life cycle. But the volume and intensity of migrations has been growing for the epoch of globalisation and the migratory movements have been developing as a sort of events repeated, in fact. Unfortunately, there is scarce information on phenomena interlinked by serial number, which become system of migration. The introduction of repeated and chain migration occurred in the literature as the prototype of migration system. The circulation is a completely fresh idea in the recent literature theoretical. Circulation refers to a system of multiple, recurrent spatial movements of individuals, while the word multiple is as significant as the spatial movement and the system itself. This presentation provides empirical materials based on the registered-type of data erected from the Immigration and Naturalisation Office in Hungary. The main aim of this study is to transform the notion of circulation highly theorised to the practice of statistics, demography and migration studies. In 2006, more than 17% of all immigrants in Hungary were circular migrants having experience of living conditions in the country due to their previous status of immigrants. In which, since the initial period of 2001, 91.75% of all registered immigrants entered the country for the second time, 7.80% for the third time, and 0.45% of them arrived for the fourth time. The continuation of research is in progress. The data of 2007–2008 will be processed and analysed.
Presented in Poster Session 2