Hungarian state pensioners in the world
Aron Kincses, Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)
Sandor Illes, Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)
International retirement migration is a new and accelerating migratory phenomenon of the last decades in developed countries. International dispersal of pensioners has rarely been investigated by demographers and migration researchers except for studies erected from United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia and Germany. The presentation analyses the process of international elderly emigration related to Hungary from the point of view of sending country. The source of macro data is the Statistical Department of Hungarian State Pension Fund. The register contains data on state pensions drawn in foreign country as well as the personal characteristics of beneficiaries. Times series are available 1998 onwards. As the main method, the standard mathematical-statistical time series analysis is combined with cartographic presentation. The volume has been growing since 1998. It will exceed 30 thousand people in the next two years. The Hungarian pensioners abroad represent a particular mass of elderly emigrants. It must be noted, that this group of people is only one slice of the total of later life emigrant population with Hungarian background. Hungarian pension is paid to the persons who left the county after having spent 10 or more years in legal work. Their age structure and geographical distribution are very heterogeneous. The average monthly sum of the pensions is low, which is the direct consequence of the short service time. The financial allowances provided for the Hungarian emigrants living abroad do not represent any major burden for the Hungarian state. The total amount of these payment remains below 0.5% of overall pensions.
Presented in Poster Session 2