Effects of mortality on contraceptive use and fertility preference in Uganda
Allen Kabagenyi, Makerere University
Olivia Nankinga, Makerere University
The recent Demographic and Health Survey of 2006 conducted in Uganda shows a low contraceptive prevalence of 24% coupled with high total fertility rate of 6.9 children and high under five morality rates of 136 deaths per 1000 live births. Despite efforts made by the government to reduce the rates through improved immunization campaigns, PMTCT programs, provision of free education especially to the girl child and improved health care system the rates continue to remain high. This study set out to examine the effects of under-five mortality on fertility preference and contraceptive use in Uganda. Data for this analysis were drawn on the Uganda demographic and heath survey of 2006 on a sample of 8531 women. The data used herein was selected based on birth and death histories as well as on reproduction and contraception information. The key variables used in the study included questions on whether women would want to have another child and whether they were using or intended to use contraceptives. Descriptive statistics and frequency distributions of respondents’ background characteristics were generated. Logistic regression models were used to examine the relationship between child survival status with whether a woman would want to have another child and whether they were using or intend to use contraceptives. The level of significance was fixed at 0.05 to accept the hypotheses set. Findings showed high statistical significance between child survival and the independent variables which included; contraceptive use, fertility preference, education, religion and wealth status. The odds ratios from the logistic regression models present that women who had lost a child were three times more likely not to use contraceptives. In addition those women were more likely to prefer not having another child. The results present a high need to reduce mortality and improve access to health care to vulnerable populations.
Presented in Poster Session 2