Family and social networks in Poland
Dorota Bartosińska, Warsaw School of Economics
The aim of the paper is to analyze the network of contacts and social transfers of young women in the context of family in Poland. The analysis were based on the results of prospective cohort study of demographic, socio-economic and health determinants of late fertility. The survey was conducted in fall of 2007 on a sample of 1200 young women from Warsaw and Poznan. Survey was realized with the framework of the project: „Epidemiology of procreative risks in Poland – multi-center, prospective cohort survey” by Institute of Labor Medicine name Prof. Dh.D. J.Nofer in Lodz. There were analyzed nine social networks of the women: talking about the advantages and disadvantages of having children; being in partnership; living independently; about using of contraceptive methods; getting support in receiving dwelling (with ownership rights); receiving dwelling (without ownership rights); availing dwelling (co-residence); regular monetary support on a regular basis or support with a major expenses; non-monetary support e.g. food, finding a job, keeping household, provide nursing and care. The first part of the paper refers to the general characteristics of the respondents’ network of contacts and social transfers. The second part deals with the respondents’ family and non-family networks. Respondents’ partners in social networks were characterized in terms of demographic and social characteristics such as gender, age, number of children, the oldest child's age and the relationship with the respondent. Respondents were also asked about the duration of contact with the social network partner, how close is this partner and how often they contact each other.
Presented in Poster Session 1