Risky sexual behaviour and STIS among women in Uganda
Olivia Nankinga, Makerere University
Allen Kabagenyi, Makerere University
This paper looks at the sexual behavior related to the spread of sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS using the 2006 Uganda Demographic and Health survey dataset for women. These include multiple sexual partnerships in the last 12 months preceding the survey, transactional sex, premarital sex and condom use. During the interview women were asked about how many sexual partners they had had in the year, whether they had exchanged any money, gifts or favors for sex, involvement in premarital sex and condom use at last sexual intercourse. In addition they were asked about whether they had had any sexually transmitted infections or symptoms in the last 12 months before the survey. Results of the study show that 4.8% of the 8513 women studied were involved in sex for gain, 39.7% reported having involved in premarital sex, 20% having multiple sexual relationships and 67.3% reported non condom use at their last sexual encounter. There was statistical significance between the risky sexual behaviour of the women studied and having sexually transmitted diseases. Logistic regression shows statistical significance between risky sexual behaviour and sexual infection except for transactional sex. Findings suggest the need for educating people about sexual transmission preventive messages that are aimed at transforming beliefs, norms and behaviour about sexual health among women in Uganda. STIs prevention programmes should seek to understand and alter the risky sexual behaviour that increase susceptibility to sexual infections among the population.
Presented in Poster Session 2