Prospects of educational migration development
Svetlana V. Dementeva, Tomsk Polytechnic University
In the article, after having analyzed trends in development of study migrations in Russia, the conclusion on its potential for improvement of intellectual, economic, and demographic situation in Russia is made. The following empiric results of pilot public opinion poll on the problem of educational migration in Tomsk and Moscow are presented, that is content analysis of city press, questioning of foreign students, transcription of the interviews with various analysts from governmental and educational institutions are conducted. In 2007 a pilot public opinion poll called “The role of educational migration from foreign countries in social, economic and demographic development of Russia” was conducted in three cities Tomsk, Moscow and Voronezh that are traditionally considered to be the centers of international students teaching. Within the frame work of the public opinion poll 10 questionnaires of international students that is 5 from Tomsk and 5 from Moscow were gathered and studied as well as 6 experts who are specialists in the sphere of educational migration are questioned in two cities, content-analysis of local press was carried out that allowed to make essential amendments in research methodology of problem study and get the monitoring of educational migration conditions in cities under study. This allowed to launch a straw poll that has been conducted since April 2009 where 700 students are engaged.
Presented in Poster Session 2