The dilemma of climate change and socio-economic development in Nigeria
Fatai Ogundele, Lagos State University
Ayo Omotayo
Scientists and Geographers (especially climatologists) have provided scientific and meteorological evidence of the patterns of change in the climatic conditions of the world with the resultant conclusion that global warming is rapidly occurring and the on-going global warming is anthropogenic in nature because people continue to excessively burn fossil fuel as Oil and Gas; Coal and fuel wood. Man has also engaged in excessive felling of trees for commercial lumbering and there is also the double-edged ozone connection which poses grave danger due to its fragile Geo-Chemistry. Nigeria contributes significantly to the greenhouse emissions for example, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector generated about 40% of gross national emissions into the atmosphere. Also significant as sources of C02 emission are gas flaring and transportation, which account for 30% and 20% respectively. All these have significant advert effect on the social, economic, cultural and political development of the country. This paper first explored the history of the imminent catastrophe, how vulnerable Nigerians are, especially those that lives in an environmentally disadvantaged areas . The effects of the change on the socio-economic development of the people as well as the adaptation practices that are adopted in order to mitigate against impending disaster are also explored. The study make use of both primary and secondary data on the impact of climate change phenomena as well as relevant already published data on the nature and effect of climate change in Nigeria. The result reveal that climate change is real and has adverse effects on the Social, Economic and even Political Development of the Country and that women and the children as well as people living in the Coastal and Arid regions are more vulnerable to the change. KEY WORDS : Climate change; Socio-economic Development.; Adaptation Strategy; Environment
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Presented in Poster Session 2