What causes of death are driving life expectancy changes in Moldova?
Olga Penina, Academy of Sciences of Moldova
France Meslé, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Jacques Vallin, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Dynamics of life expectancy in Moldova are quite similar to those observed in other European republics of the former USSR. From the mid-60s to the mid-80s, life expectancy declined continuously followed by subsequent very wide fluctuations related to Gorbachev’s anti-alcoholism campaign and socio-economic crisis. Since 1998, Moldovan life expectancy resumed a slow increase which accelerated in the most recent years. Overall, since 1965, men lost 1.2 year of life expectancy and women gained 1.6 year. The analysis of causes of death is a useful tool for a better understanding of these long-term trends and recent changes. However, such an analysis is complicated by interruptions in cause-of-death time series induced by the changes of classifications. Using a method of reconstruction already applied to other countries of the former USSR, it was possible to reconstruct 1965-2008 coherent series of deaths by cause for Moldova. After a short description of the reconstruction work, we identify the main causes responsible for the changes in life expectancy over 6 different periods since 1965 and focus on some cause specific mortality trends.
Presented in Session 41: Health and mortality in Eastern Europe