New mortality trends in Russia
Elena V. Zemlyanova, Central Public Health Research Institute, Moscow
Alla E. Ivanova, Central Public Health Research Institute, Moscow
Current demographic situation in Russia is characterized by decrease of mortality and increase of life expectancy. Such trend has been taking shape for the last 4 years starting from 2005. Data for the first 8 months of 2009 show that this trend will persist. Life expectancy for both sexes in 2008 was 1.6-2.0 years lower than its maximum values achieved in 1965 and 1987. The gap is caused mainly by male mortality. Current life expectancy growth is a result of evolutionary mortality reduction based on socio-economic recovery that influenced all population in working ages and young retirement ages. The observed growth was not homogeneous: in the years 2006-2007 life expectancy increase was higher than in 2008. But such situation is only normal: following economic transformations similar trends were observed in the Eastern European countries. Years 2006-2007 and 2008 differed not only by rates of life expectancy growth. They differed by causes of growth as well. In 2006-2007 more than 1 year of male life expectancy increase was due to 40-59 age group, and 0.5 year due to elderly and 0.5 year due to young working ages. In females 1.5 years of increase was due to ages after 60 and about the same for 40-59 age group. In 2008, 50% of life expectancy growth in males was due to young working ages. In females rejuvenation of mortality reduction was less pronounced. As to causes of death accounting for mortality reduction, in 2006-2007 input of cardiovascular diseases was the most significant, even higher than role of accidents and traumas. As can be seen from the above socio-economic crisis has not affected mortality of the whole population. In 2006-2007, life expectancy growth was registered in all Russian territories, while in 2008 in some regions even a light reduction of life expectancy was documented.
Presented in Poster Session 2