Globalization and international migration in Asian countries (testing of competitional measurement models)
Mahmoud Moshfegh, Population studies and Research Center For Asian And the pacific
mohammad javad mahmoudi, Population studies and Reseach Center For Asian And the pacific
Laila Khuban Abdolahe, University of Tehran
International migration is an important and complex phenomenon. The international migration of people is the most important demographic process of globalization. This paper aims to understand effects of economic, cultural and political dimensions of globalization on net international migration rates with competition approach at the Asian countries. We used the indices of KOF for globalization aspects. source of data international migration is UN population Division. This paper is attempted to answer to this question: which of economic, cultural and political dimensions of the globalization is more effect on international migration intensities? How many of variances of the international migration intensities are explained by each of the dimensions of the globalization in Asian countries? Effects of three dimensions are tested on international migration intensities : 1) Cultural globalization 2) Economic globalization. 3) Political globalization.Relationships of globalization indices and international migration rates are tested by F- test and linear regression models at 30 Asian countries which their data were available. The statistical analysis indicated that the aspect of the social globalization dimension is more effect on international migration rate than other aspects, In particular, those countries which had greater scores of social globalization index, they had more emigration rates (F: 18,549, P_value: 0, 00). The effect of economic globalization index was the next important degree (F: 8,869 P_value: 0,001). The effect of political globalization index was not effect significantly on international migration (F: 1, 13 P_value: 0, 33).
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Presented in Poster Session 2