(Withdrawn) Whether education, or awareness, or both, leads to contraceptive use among sexually active unmarried men in India
Prashant Kumar Singh, Doctoral Candidate, International Institute For Population Sciences (IIPS)
Manoj Alagarajan, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
The consequence of pre-marital sex has been the subject of common concern. In India, despite strict sanctions, pre-marital sex has been reported in several studies. It is believed that existing education system could afford the responsibility to develop the rational sexual behavior among unmarried men. Since, past studies particularly formulated on specific groups they may not be generalized. Thus, the study explore possible impact of education on safe sex among sexually active unmarried men in India by using large scale nationally representative sample (NFHS-3, 2005-06). Result shows that education has consistently been found to have a positive effect however the interaction variable provides some of the key explanations for safe sexual behavior. The finding help policy makers, researchers and programme managers to focus on combination of education × awareness which may leads safe sexual practices particularly in India where introducing sex education is still a controversial issue. Key Words: Education, contraceptive use, condom use, interaction effect
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Presented in Session 53: Sexual and reproductive health: contraceptive behaviour