The tendencies of fertility in Georgia in the post Communist period
Avtandil Sulaberidze, Institute of Demography and Sociology, Georgia
Nino Gomelauri, Institute of Demography and Sociology, Georgia
Vano Shushtakashvili, Institute of Demography and Sociology, Georgia
Mariam Sulaberidze
Marina Tushuri, Institute of Demography and Sociology, Georgia
Decreasing of the birth rate in Georgia started in 1970-ies. The above-mentioned in 1970-1990 mainly was determined by intra-family regulations between the children.. From 1995 the political and social-economic events of post Soviet period had significant influence on tendencies of demographic development. In transition period the family sovetieus type of family was transformed into family liberaty type of family that considerably changed the regime of population reproduction, and that accelerated completion of modern type of reproduction of the population and in present Georgia is in the most contemporary type of transition period and at the bound of depopulation. In case of continuation of existed regime of population reproduction is expected increasing of reduced reproduction rate of population. On the background of life expectancy stagnation, of low childbirth rate, of high death rate of the population of the reproductive age and migration intensiveness the level of demographic aging (16%) was increased, that in the nearest future in general, will more deteriorate the demographic development. It is proved by public opinion poll of 1200 students in 2006 in Tbilisi, according to which the number if expected children is 1.6. According to the prognosis in 2025-2050 total fertility rate will be about 1,7 and net reproduction rate – between 0,82-0,83, which points to the long period of depopulation.
Presented in Poster Session 1