Modern tendency of death rate of the population in the Far East region of Russia
Tatiana Komarova, Institute of Complex Analysis of Regional Problems
The economic crisis in Russia has led to falling of a standard of living of the population, to growth of poverty, to degradation of system of public health services, to environmental contamination, and, as consequence, to deterioration of health of the population, decrease in life expectancy, increase in death rate of the population. Since 1993 death rate of the population has began to grow steadily, the has been the fastest rates in territory of Far East region of Russia. The general mortality rate coefficients at the Far East surpasses a similar parameter across Russia. For 1990-2008 the given parameter (counting upon 1000 чел) has increased in 1,3 times in Russia and in 1,6 times - on the Far East. But rates of death growth on the Far East surpass much more average Russian parameters. In 1990-2008 death rate on 1000 inhabitants has increased for 30,3 % in Russia, for 65,8 % in Far East region. Life expectancy is one of the major demographic categories, represents generalizing characteristic of people death rate. For the period 1998-200 average life expectancy in Russia has decreased for 2 years, in the Far East - for 2,77 years. At the same time absolute values of life expectancy separated considerably: at average Russian parameters is 65,07 years, in Far East region - 62,42 years. Increase of death rate crisis on the Far East of Russia, first of all, is precisely visible on a background of tendencies of death rate in economically advanced countries where life expectancy has increased during last decade. The research is exucuted with support of the grant Russian Foundation for Humanities 09-02-88201a\T
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Presented in Poster Session 2