Study migration to Russia: potential and impact on population, human capital and economy
Alexander A. Grebenyuk, Russian Academy of Sciences
Elena E. Pismennaya
Roman Manshin, Russian Academy of Science
Ekaterina A Borisova, Russian State Social University
Governments of the most economically developed countries actively stimulate inflow of study migrants, simplifying migratory rules for students. According to the forecast of UNESCO quantity of foreign students will come to 3.7 million in 2010. In 2006 Russia occupied the 9th place, and absolute number of foreign students about 78 thousand. At present time there is high potential of study migration to Russia in states of former republics of the USSR. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine are the most important “suppliers” of students in Russia, which have an opportunity to increase this migration flow by several times. Nowadays about 24 million people at the age of 15-25 live in CIS and Baltic States. Part of this quantity may be Russian students. Social effect. Study migration plays a vital role in the development of innovation potential, high-tech industries and science intensive sectors of human services, such as education, public health, communication, IT- technologies. Educational institutions are peculiar social filter, since foreign students already master language of a state of being, are acquainted with its laws and traditions as well as rules and conditions of work in contrast to newly arrived migrants. Demography effect. At present time, the Russian Federation is confronted with the negative demographic situation which involves the population decline, the decrease of the part of able-bodied citizens. The stimulation of study migration is one of the ways of improvement of this situation. The foreign students, which already have accommodated, are considered the most favourable migrants and new citizens. Economic effect. State economy recieves a double advantage from study migrants. Firstly, national educational system gets a direct cash income from payment for education of foreign students. Secondly, if a foreign student stay in the country, economy will receive highly valuable skilled worker, contribution to human capital of the state.
Presented in Poster Session 2