The influence on climatic disturbances on the increase of prices of food products: the case of the extreme region north of Cameroon
Marcel Nkoma, IPD AC
Ariane Julie NYA NANA, Independent Consultant
The objective of this communication estimates the climatic disruption size on the increase in prices of the food product in the biggest region in terms of population and surface, “the extreme – north” of Cameroon. The 2009/2010 agricultural campaign have been disrupted seriously in the extreme - north because of an interruption of rains experienced between the months of May and June. Indeed, the most meaningful rains got settled truly in this zone only in that to the course of the first decade of the month of July therefore causing a delay in agricultural activities. In addition to a decrease of the precipitations estimated to more of 70% in June 2009 in relation to June 2008. The Logone and Chari division recorded only one rainfall during the first two decades of the month of July. Sowing activities consequently started the late when compared to last year, same in the other regions. This disturbance led to a discontinuation of field preparation works carried over the start of sowing to mid July. This communication that leans on the data coming from the 116 internal markets, of about transborderly fifteen markets and observations in the national System of fast alert, reveal that the climatic disruptions combined to the Nigerian refugee flux following the social disruptions that the north of this neighboring country knows, had for effect an increase in prices in an order of 35%, with picks picks troubling of 197% of rise of price for onion in the Diamaré and 71% for Sorghum Ss in the Logone and Chari. It is extremely urgent to value the level of vulnerability and food insecurity of the population of this region and to propose the best actions.
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Presented in Poster Session 2