To stop climate change, we need family planning, too! It depends on rights of women. Fertility of China dived quickly before one-child policy, just because of ease from usual policy forced overpopulation. Seven billion is beyond the ecological limits
Gyula Simonyi, BOCS Foundation
Gyula Simonyi (1953) mathematician (1977), informatician (1980), economist (1994), member of Balaton Group (1995), president of the BOCS Foundation (what is Hungarian member group of,,, editor of the since 1995. - The CO2 emission per capita (red columns on the graph) is 5.7 tons/year in Hungary; five times that of India's (1.1) and double that of China's (2.9). Still, Hungary burdens the climate less (237 tons of CO2 emission / global km2) than India (272 tons of CO2 / global km2) or China (360 tons of CO2 / global km2), if you take the area, or to be more precise, the bio-capacity into consideration (blue columns on the graph). Graph: - The ecological system doesn't understand arguments saying that twice as many people have the right to emit twice the amount of CO2. The only thing that matters is the amount of emission that falls to a given area, bio-capacity, CO2 occlusion ability. While in relation to climate issues people usually talk only about CO2 (due to industrialization, transportation, etc.), methane (emitted to the atmosphere due to livestock-raising, rice growing and chemical fertilizers; so it is even more closely connected to population size and alimentation) already impact the climate in a similar order of magnitude as CO2. Therefore reproductive health, women rights, girl education and family planning are of crucial importance also from a climate change viewpoint. - Preventing the hundred million conceptions per year that happen against the will of the couples, by making family planning available for everyone, belongs to the 5th of the Millennium Development Goals. At least 200 million women have to live in constant fear of conceiving, because they don't have the right, the knowledge, the tools or the money for contraception. Family planning is still a privilege of the rich.
Presented in Poster Session 2