Labour force participation of the old-aged: between the family support and the support to the family
Patricia Román Reyes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Mauricio Padrón Innamorato, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Juan Gabino González Becerril, El Colegio de México
The ageing of the Mexican population is in a clear process of growth, but it would be a mistake to generalize its meanings, both for old people and for the society. Thus, this work does not try to present the elders as a special interest group which worries and realities are separated of those of other generations since it is very possible that they come closer to each other. The previous reasoning appears understanding that the persons of advanced age do not exist in an isolated way, so their well-being and daily development are narrowly tied to those of the society in general. Then, this work seeks to discuss and to analyze the importance and the complexity of the labour participation of 60-year-old or more people in Mexico, paying special attention to the features of this participation in households, trying to understand what favours that an aged person is a familiar support "object" or a giver familiar support "subject".
Presented in Poster Session 1