Knowledge, attitude and practice on reproductive health problems among students of Jimma University and Jimma Teachers College
Tizta T. Degfie
Mengistu H. Mariam
Asresashe Demssie
Background: Young people all over the world are in need of much better education and health care related to reproduction. This is clear from the alarming evidence about abortion, the hazards of early pregnancy and the incidence of sexually transmitted disease. The objective of this study was to assess knowledge, practice and attitude of students in Jimma University and Jimma teachers college on Reproductive health problems. A cross-sectional study was undertaken in Feburary 2008 to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices about reproductive health problems among 1227 students of JU and JTC. Additionally, Retrospective record review of student clients who came to JUSH for RH services also used. Self administered Questionnaire FGD was also done. Stratified sampling technique based on sex, faculty and department was used. The larger proportion of the respondents was in the age group 20-21. About 76% of respondents know ways to prevent STI, HIV/ AIDS, 60% by sexual abstinence, 40% by avoidance of casual sex, 52% by remaining faithful and 47% by using condoms. 38.1 percent of the respondents experience sexual inter course at least once. A significant amount of the respondents among sexual active ones greater than 22 percent of them practiced sexual intercourse before age 20. Among the consequences faced by the respondents from their first sexual exposure 3.3 percent was unintended pregnancy and nearly 2 percent was school drop out. 31.1 percent of the respondents report that they have done anything that may have put them at risk. Significant number of the respondents preferred the need for rearrangement of youth reproductive health institutions separately, and also to be served by young and the same sex health providers with free of charge Participants in FGD suggested that the student clinics should address the RH need of the students.
Presented in Poster Session 2